Notice of Privacy Practices

Compliance Hotline

Compliance Hotline

Buckelew employees shall adhere to the agency’s Ethical Standards and Code of Conduct, which includes reporting of Medi-Cal fraud, waste, and abuse. At Buckelew, we are diligent to ensure our agency meets all regulatory requirements as outlined by the California Department of Health Care Services, to ensure the protection of taxpayers, clients, and quality of care.

Anyone suspecting Medi-Cal fraud, waste, or abuse is to report this by contacting Quality & Compliance. You can call the Compliance Hotline at 415.302.8556 and/or write to There shall be no retaliation against anyone making a report in good faith. Callers may remain anonymous if they choose.

More information is available here at the California Department of Health Care Services website about Reporting Medi-Cal fraud.